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Terms & Conditions



These fell off the website but are now back for the safety and convenience of all. Please read the following and do get in touch with me with any queries.

0750 464 3684


  1. Your dog is your responsibility at all times. Please drive into the field and park on the hard standing. Dogs should be released into the field from your car after closing the gate, which will ensure that dogs never meet other dogs or humans unexpectedly. This is for your safety and your dogs’.

  2. Owners of banned dogs must contact me before bringing their dogs here, for a thorough de-brief on safety at Fenton’s Field and conversation about whether the facilities are appropriate. These dogs include the following: Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero and Bully XL. 

  3. Please make sure that all your dogs’ vaccinations are up to date and do not bring a sick dog here.

  4. Please make sure that you leave enough time to allow the next client to get into the field in good time. There is a ten minute buffer zone between clients to enable this to happen smoothly.

  5. Please leave the field as you would like to find it. Place all dog faeces in bags and then in the large yellow bin. Please pick up all your litter, which can be dangerous to dogs.

  6. Please do not let your dog dig holes in the field. These are dangerous to humans and dogs. We are now providing small shovels so that you can fill the holes in yourself, or please get in touch if this is too much. I cannot patrol every field between every client – please be responsible here – and help remove the potential for an accident.

  7. Up to four dogs are welcome in either field at one time. Please contact me if you wish to discuss this.

  8. If you need to cancel or re-book please get in touch with me – available up to 24 hours prior to an existing booking.

  9. If you have invited a friend to join you please remember to tell them to use Google Maps: Fenton’s Field. The satnav often catches people unawares as it takes you to the adjacent farm.

  10. Water is provided free of charge. Please put the hosepipe back in an orderly manner for the next person to use.

  11. The loo is opposite Fenton’s on the Hill. Please keep this welcome resource clean and tidy.

  12. We maintain a relaxed but correct code of conduct at Fenton’s Field. Please follow the suggestions and we will be able to keep it like that – without padlocks and combinations etc. It is in all our interests to keep things this way so that we can continue to enjoy the beautiful site, wildlife and quiet.

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